Hi lovelies,
this Morning I was looking new arrivals for Fall on the H&M site and I also took a look at the colorful pictures of the latest lookbook entitled "Color Confidence!
What do you think about it?
Are there so many things that you already bought of this collection?
Here are below the pictures of this collection,perfect mix between feminine and sporty;)
I must confess that I'm in love especially with the first look.Such a cute pink dress!!Amazing with the collar!!
Here are below the pictures of this collection,perfect mix between feminine and sporty;)
I must confess that I'm in love especially with the first look.Such a cute pink dress!!Amazing with the collar!!
I totally love also the pants in the second outfit;)
Ciao carissime,
questa mattina stavo guardando gli ultimi arrivi per questo autunno nel sito di H&M e lo sguardo mi è caduto anche sulle immagini coloratissime dell'ultimo lookbook estivo intitolato "Color Confidence".
Cosa ne pensate a proposito?
Ci sono molti capi di questa linea che avete già acquistato?
Ecco di seguito le immagini dei vari outfit,un mix perfetto tra femminilità e sportività;)
Devo confessarvi che mi sono innamorata specialmente del primo look:)
Adoro quel vestitino nella tonalità rosa:con il colletto poi è ancora più particolare!!
Mi piacciono molto anche i pants nel secondo outfit;)
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First look that I love;) |
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Second look that I love;) |
Which outfit do you like the most?
Have a fab weekend,lovelies!
See you soon:)
Quale outfit vi piace di più ?
Buon weekend,carissime!
A presto:)
115 commenti:
Stuning colors! I love them <3
see you!
These are gorgeous! Love the pink!
stuning colors, love everything!
It's a great lookbook. Nice looks and the second one is great. Chic and casual at the same time.
Great colours, love it :)
H&M has been my lobe since it was born. I love the new collection, thanks for sharing. Thanks for your comment on my blog as well:)
Little K.
I adore that pink dress! Gorgeous! This collection is great and full of cool colours and great cuts, thanks for sharing! XxxX http://thesecondhandrose.blogspot.co.uk
Ciao cara! Allora il mio outfit preferito di questa collection H&M é quello nell'ultima foto molto aggressive-rock *-*
Io sono una ragazza a cui piace la musica dark,gothic,metal,doom,hard-rock,grunge ecc...
Quindi prediligo nel mio guardaroba capi in pelle, borchiati e rigorosamente neri apparte per qualche eccezzione di colore viola,grigio o blu notte! ;) Ma amando molto la moda, e in particolare lo stile vintage retró mi piace molto il primo abito anche a me! Hai sempre ottimi gusti e sei una ragazza veramente raffinata e bon-ton! Buona giornata dolce Mary e grazie per le tua anticipazioni di stile! Xxx
Ps: Adoro anche i teschi che con mia grande gioia sono tornati di moda quest'anno! Tu che ne pensi?? ;) Baci xxx
@Deppa:I'm too in love with these colorful pictures!!
Have a great weekend
@lorenabr:I admit,I absolutely love pink color;))
See you soon,dear
DianaS.T.:I'm very glad you like my post,lovely!
Have a fab weekend:)
@dimitri:thank you for your lovely comment!
So so glad you like too the second look;)
Great weekend!
@Floor:I'm in love with these colors,dear;)
See yous soon:)
@LittleK:I really like this collection too!!
Have a fab weekend!
@Giorgia Zemou:thank you for following,lovely!
I'm very glad you love my blog;)
I'll look your blog soon!
@Second Hand Rose:hi lovely,that pink dress is my fave;)So pretty!
Have a fab weekend:)
@Agnieszka:thank you for your comment!
So glad you like this post!!
Keep in touch:)
@Rey and Robby:hi dear,how are you now?The situation has improved?
Btw I agree with you!So so cute those leopards pants!!!
See you soon
@Nevermindgirl:grazie per il tuo commento e per avermi rivelato il tuo stile e le tue preferenze.
Io a dirti la verità non sono proprio nello stile aggressive -rock, ma a volte leggendo altri blog ho incontrato degli outfit di questo stile che mi sono piaciuti.Quando c'è un po' di gusto si vede sempre;)
Non adoro in particolar modo i teschi ma il nero e il viola d'inverno sono tra i miei colori preferiti.Per l'estate preferisco colori più solari come il corallo
Buon weekend e a presto:)
p.s.Hai un blog o una pagina facebook?
id love to follow each other! but it won't let me follow through gfc, says it's ''configured incorrectly'' but i followed you on bloglovin :) http://xxxloveisbeautyxxx.blogspot.ie/
Have a great weekend:)
Mi piacciono moltissimo queste combinazioni di colori!!!
Il penultimo look è il mio preferito, ma anche quei pantaloni rosa sono un vero amore!^^
Un bacio!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment and for following me :))
Follow you back..lovely blog!
Great blog,lovely theme.
I am your newest follower on gfc,,if you like my blog feel free to follow me as well:).
I like the first and the last look.
Hi, sweet =* Sure, I will follow your lovely blog ;) Thank you for support! About H&M colloction.. I love the good contrasting mix of colorful shades, neon shades or even pastel, so this collection impressed me much=)
OMG!!! Amazing clothes! The colors are so pretty!!
The modern leopard pants are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing these images...
Thanks for your sweet comment in my blog! I loved your space too and I'm following you here and in bloglovin too!
Kisses, Rebeca
I love the whole look from H and M. Especially the lace pink dress with peterpan collar.
Thank you for your comment.
Come and visit our blog
I think this is a really lovely lookbook :)
Lots of love,
Enter my studded corset giveaway in collaboration with Kat Valdez!
Really lovely and colourful lookbook :)
I especially love the bright colours in this Lookbook of H&M!
@S:le combinazioni di colori di questo lookbook sono veramente adorabili;)
Buon weekend:)
@Nari-elle:thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comment!
Keep in touch:)
@Glossy Lala:I'm very glad you love my blog!!
See you soon!
@Eva:I love this collection too!So colorful;))
Have a great weekend
@Multi-style:hi lovely,thank you for your comment and for following:)
Have a fab weekend!!
@Bibi:I love this lookbook too;)
See you soon!
@am2pmchic:that pink dress is my fave!!So cute!!
Keep in touch!
@Helena Resende:I agree with you!Great lookbook!!
Have a fab weekend:)
@Estilo hedonico:I'm very glad you like this post;)
See you soon!
@Fashiable:so colorful lookbook!I love it!!
Keep in touch:)
The pink sundress is too cute. I adore H&M.
Ciao cara! Grazie a te per avermi detto come la pensi! Allora sono contenta piacciano anche a te come colori il nero-viola e d'inverno sono fantastici infatti! E grazie per il complimento! Mi é sempre piaciuta la moda fin da piccola e anche a te di certo lo stile/gusto non manca! ;) Anch'io d'estate abbando un po' il mio animo dark per i colori più solari! ;) Ad esempio queat'anno vanno molto di moda i colori fluo e sulle t-shirt impazza la bandiera americana e se devo dire che per la seconda ne ho fatto una bella mania pensa che ho già 4 capi con la bandiera americana!! ;)
Per quanto riguarda il blog ne ho uno anch'io di cui sono la vice in cui collaboro con una mia amica! Adesso é momentaneamente sospeso essendo estate e quindi torniamo a settembre! Comunque parliamo di moda,musica rock,libri,arte,make-up,film,telefilm,cucina,gossip,star ecc... Un po' di tutto insomma! ;) Ecco qui il nome:
Spero ti piaccia! ;)
E per quanto riguarda facebook io non possiedo un'account lì ma se vuoi ti posso dare il mio indirizzo e-mail ok?? ;)
Bacioni Mary e buon fine settimana anche a te! ;) xxx
love this collection~!
Hi Mary! Your blog is super cute!
I am so jelous you are from atuscany!
That iscone of my dream places to go to.
I'm following you darling!
i like the first black and white outfit,not too crazy about the pink stuff but love the green tones and the patterned jeans!h&m is amazing, they never disappoint!!!
Thank again dear for your comment...i will visit your blog and try again with GFC...hopefully the problem will resolve :)
Nice blog!Followed back!xoxo
Love their new collection,
and the bright colors gives so much fabulousness.
Mary thank you so much for visiting and following me!!! I'm soo glad I came across your blog!!! The collection is just about perfect... I love the first pink dress.. the candy color looks soo yumm hahaha.. I wish I could wear one right now! heheh.. Getting back to the topic Greetings from your newest follower!!!
Metajojuana Nyt
Metajojuana Under a Starry Nyt
I just Love it! H&M always surprise me in a good way!
love it all, but pants from last photo are absolutely perfect
Ahhh I really wish we had a H&M in Australia! Everything looks so amazing in this collection!
And yes, followed!
super love the outfits!
visit my blog? http://raellarina.blogspot.com/
and if you like it, feel free to click that follow button! :D
I think it's a cool lookbook! Have a lovely weekend!
LA By Diana Live Magazine
love it! especially the second look :)
posto bellissimo come sempre!
baci <3
those last leopard jeans are amazing! xx
I love the new collection as the colors are very girlish! x
Sono tutti carinissimi, ma l'abito rosa mi piace un sacco! :)
Ti aspetto da me!
Rouge and Chocolate Blog
Rouge and Chocolate Facebook
Rouge and Chocolate Twitter
@girl with a pearl earring:I love the pink dress too;
Have a fab Saturday!
@Nav:so so cute collection!!
See you soon!
@Nevermindgirl:buon weekend anche a te!!
Questo fine settimana sono al mare ma quando torno daro' volentieri un'occhiata al tuo blog;) Sono molto curiosa!
Anch'io ho una t-shirt con bandiera:)
A presto!
@Patti:I m very glad you like my blog!
Thank you for following:)
@Eleonora:anch'io adoro il vestitino rosa!!
Passero' volentieri a vedere il tuo blog:)
@Liya:so pretty colors!
Have a great weekend:)
@Alina:I love the Leopard pants too!!So cool!
Keep in touch!
I love the colors of this lookbook!!
I love the look with the pink jeans and also with the pink shorts! So much pink, I'm in love <3
i love the neon sweater with the printed pants :D
Great lookbook! I adore the print pants! Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. Following you. Hope you can follow back!
I love the leopard print pant
Bene cara allora divertiti al massimo!! ;) e grazie per essere curiosa! Vuol dire che ti interessa vededere quello che faccio! Sei fantastica! ;) Che bello allora anche tu sei una stelle e strisce addicted! ;) Ah, e per quanto riguarda la mail ti posso dare l'indirizzo quando vuoi! Bacioni xxx
That pants on the last photo are perfect.
following you now!
the last pants are awesome i lurv H&M
Great selection, love!
I would love ti keep in touch with you. Would u mind to follow each other via GFC and Bloglovin?
@Nicoleta:I'm very glad you love my post,lovely!
Keep in touch:)
Thx sooooooo much, Mary!!! Following u!!!
@Virgo Rebel:super cool pants!!
Have a great Sunday,dear
@Fashion babel:thank you for your lovely comment and for following!
See you soon:)
@Rose Mode:hi lovely,
I really like those pants too;)
Keep in touch
343bloglovin & facebook:)
@Nicoleta:thank you,lovely!You are wonderful!;)
See you soon!
@Tina:I love this lookbook too!!
I'm already your follower,lovely;)
@Jessica:the neon sweater is so cool;)
Have a great Sunday:)
@Caroline:I absolutely love the pink color too;))
Keep in touch!
@mindy fan:I love the colors of the lookbook;)
See you soon,lovely!
@Caramellitsa:grazie cara!;)
The second look is so cuteee!
@Diana Marks:I agree with you!This lookbook is very cool;)
See you soon,dear
@Kcomecarolina:thank you for stopping by!
Keep in touch
@Rae Abigae:it's very difficult to choose!
So many beautiful outfits!!;))
@Marionetka Mody:I love those pants too!!
Have a great Sunday,dear:)
@fashion residence:I agree with you.H&M launches always lovely collections!!
See you soon
@Lou:it's true!So stunning pieces!!!
Have a fab Sunday,lovely:)
@t:thank you for stopping by!
Keep in touch:)
@Ann:I absolutely love these colors too!!
See you soon;)
@Lovely tan:I'm very glad you love my blog and..Tuscany:)
Thank you for your lovely comment!
@ZxM fashion addicts:I agree with you!H&M collections are always amazing;)
Keep in touch!
@Nita:I'm very happy you like my blog!
See you soon:)
@Metajojuana:thank you for your sweet comment,lovely!
I admit,I love that pink dress too;))
ma che bella è questa collezione? Ho addocchiato un sacco di roba che mi piace :)
Omg yes love the collection! Keep in touch girl xoxo
This is such a great post!!! A gorgeous selection of images full of style and inspiration!!!This fall will be all about H&M.
Best Regards
Miss Margaret Cruzemark
oh, that pretty pink dress and those pink pants! i'm in love!
do you want to follow each other (on bloglovin' and gfc)? let me know.
see you around! xx
First, Third, fourth and fith.. :S
I can't choosE! :)
I really love b&W and pink! :)
I follow you by twitter and google!
totally addicted too all the bright pink and neon elements xoxo
would you like to follow each other?
Win $300 to spend on Boticca on my blog!
oh! i'm soory, I thought i had seen before you had twitter!
I can't follow you now by FB beacuse my page now is wrong...but when a fix it i'll follow you!!
@Valentina:adoro anch'io moltissimi capi di questa collezione!!
A presto!
@DoriaJ:thank you for stopping by,lovely!
See you soon:)
@Margaret:hi dear,I'm very glad you like this post and this collection;)
Have a great Sunday!
@A possible fantasy:thank you for your lovely comment!
I love that pink dress too:)
@MissL:thank you,lovely!
It's true,it's very difficult to choose;))Great pieces!
See you soon:)
@Anthea:I love pink too!!
Thank your for stopping by!
Keep in touch:)
your outfits looks amazing! your blog is very good and interesting. i love fashion blogs and you are a beautiful girl <3 keep in touch!
@Beau:thank you for your lovely comment!
I'm very glad you like this H&M lookbook
Ciao Mary! bella selezione! sono passata a trovarti! :-)
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