Hi lovelies,
today Mango Spring Inspiration and great desire to go shopping ;)
First of all I want show my favourite pictures of new Catalog !
I absolutely love these outfits and these pics with Magdalena starring:

What do you think about these pieces,lovelies?
Do I have made you want to buy something?
Now here are the other pictures of Mango Catalog
This collection is so beautiful and colorful :)
I love especially the pleated skirts and dresses!

What color and what piece of this collection do you prefer?
Do you often buy in Mango?
I leave you with Mango S/S 2012 Fashion Show
See you soon, lovelies:)
22 commenti:
I love Mango . the pleated dresses are so beautiful :)
sono stata ieri da mango e la nuova collezzione è una meraviglia! ho preso un blazer verde stupendo e una borsetta scamosciata azzurra.... un sogno!
@Audrey:abbiamo gli stessi gusti;)
Hai fatto dei bellissimi acquisti!! Adoro questa collezione:)
@Dora:I absolutely love these pleated dresses!
Mango is one of my favorite brands;)
Wow! I love all these pieces! I've never bought anything from this brand. I think I will now :)
Thanks for the post!
@Marie:I'm very glad you liked my Mango inspiration;)
I love a lot of pieces of this collection!!
See you soon
Gosh I hardly ever buy from Mango, but with this collection I'm so changing my mind! Love this, thanks for sharing!
I love Mango and wanna buy them outright now :)
Happy Valentine's Day!
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♡ StylishByNature.com
I haven't seen the new MNG collection but its so lovely! I want everything, especially that cardigan with the little hearts :)
Bellissimi tutti!!!
Baci Marcella
Very nice inspirations! Beautiful collection! :)
It's a great collection. Love all these pieces.
The long green dress is beautiful.
che bellissima collezione, mi piace davvero molto
Mi piace tutto :D comunque ho appena pubblicato un post e mi farebbe piacere avere un tuo commento, eccoti il link:
Reb, xoxo.
Gorgeous! I want them all!!!
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♥ www.thegirlatfirstavenue.com
that heart sweater needs to be gracing my body immediately.
Inspirations beautiful as always! :)
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Really lovely collection, you always show some amazing clothes! I love the jumpers and the long dresses are beautiful. I'd really love the last pleated dress! XxxX http://thesecondhandrose.blogspot.com/
so lovely, i love the combination of grunge and super preppy! the colors are to die for as well. and that polka dot blazer? mmmmm want it
instead of an elephant
Quante belle cose *_*
Tu sei una tentatrice!!!!
Un bacione cara Mary
Oh my god I love the two dresses up the top - absolutely gorgeous!!
Talitha xx
So cute! I would wear all of these styles :)
<3 Karen from
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